What’s the Difference Between Dental Bonding and Dental Veneers?

Do your teeth have cosmetic defects? Are there imperfections in your teeth that you wish your dentist in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, could cover up?

Good news! Dental bonding and dental veneers can cover up cosmetic defects. At State Valley Dental, we provide dental veneers and dental bonding to cover up problems with your teeth. Knowing the difference between these two options can help you decide which is for you. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a composite resin material that your dentist can use to cover up cosmetic defects like discolorations, cracks, chips, breaks in your tooth enamel, and gaps between teeth.

Dental bonding is a temporary solution to cosmetic problems. Dental bonding lasts for a few years and then need replacement.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

The benefits of dental bonding are numerous.

  • Dental bonding is non-invasive and easy to install.
  • Dental bonding can be reversed if you decide you don’t like the look later on.
  • Dental bonding can be used to cover a range of problems.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are similar to dental bonding, but veneers are typically made from porcelain. To make space for dental veneers, your dentist must remove some tooth enamel. Once this is done, the process cannot be reversed.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Just as there are many benefits of dental veneers, so there are many benefits of dental bonding.

  • Dental bonding is permanent.
  • Dental veneers can last for many years before they need to be replaced.
  • Dental veneers can effectively cover a range of cosmetic problems.

Which One Should I Choose – Bonding or Veneers?

The choice between dental bonding and dental veneers can be a tough one. When you’re trying to decide between dental bonding and dental veneers, it’s important to consider your budget and whether you’d like the process to be reversible. Your dentist can talk to you about the various pros and cons of each procedure.

Do you want dental bonding or dental veneers in Cuyahoga Falls, OH? If so, contact us today to make your next dental appointment.